Curriculum vitae.PDF


„Dimidium facti est coepisse.
Die Hälfte der Tat besteht darin, angefangen zu haben“.

Ausonius, Epigrammata 81,1

„Zuerst ignorieren sie dich, dann lachen sie über dich, dann bekämpfen sie dich und dann gewinnst du.“           

Mahatma Gandhi <http://www.zitate-online.de/autor/gandhi-mahatma/>  
(* 02. 10. 1869, † 30. 01. 1948)



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curriculum vitae

Starting in 2024, Certified Legal Prompting Expert, ChatGPT for Lawyers, organized by Deutscher Anwaltverlag & Institut der Anwaltschaft GmbH.

Since 2024 Jurisprudential lecturer in the range of digital Aspects in Theory and Practice – AI, Robotics and autonomic Systems, Digital Transformation as well as privacy protection and IT-Security in Dentistry, Internetmarketing and Law, Compliance and Sustainability, Fresenius University, Campus Wiesbaden (Germany) in collaboration with IBIZ Privat Institut for Education and Innovation in Dentistry, Weinheim (Germany)

Since 2024, recipient of the Pro Universitate Medal from Semmelweis University for successful work in achieving the university's goals, as well as for the establishment of the Asklepios Campus Hamburg, the branch of Semmelweis University in Germany.

Since 2020-2021 Nomination as a Seniorprofessor of European and International Law, Legal Aspects of Digitization and Data Science, Patient and Law at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.

Jurisprudential lecturer of Data Protection for Companies at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society and M A H Management Academy Heidelberg. 

Jurisprudential lecturer of IT & Software Law at the Graduate School Rhein-Neckar, Mannheim. 

Since 2019-2023 Scientifically Director of the Center for Digitisation of health care (DiG) at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society

Since 2017 Lecturer in the range of jurisprudence in the degree programme M.Sc. Data Science and Business Analytics at the Stuttgart Media University.

Since 2013 Academic senior consultant of Semmelweis University of Budapest, Hungary/ School of Ph.D. Studies and Examiner for dissertations of Charles Sturt University, Australia for the academic degree of Doctor of Business Administration (2013).

Since 2009/2010 Visiting Professorship and guest professor of Semmelweis University of Budapest (integrating research and teaching, international and European medical and public health law, E-health, medical high performance technologies, bioethics, social law).

Since 2006 - 2019 Director of the Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut Medical Management and Research of Steinbeis University Berlin.

Since 2005/2006 Jurisprudential lecturer of Steinbeis University Berlin (International, European and German public health and medical law; contract, law, competition and liability law and quality assurance) and Member of the University Council as well as Convention of Directors (till 2012).

2000 - 2020 nomination as a Professor of commercial law (contract, trade and company law) and law of the European Union at the University of Ludwigshafen due to special aptitudes for scientific work; Member of different university boards, such as faculty council, electoral committee as well as expert coordinator for law.

1989 – 2000 lawyer with expertise in jurisprudence in the fields of international law, civil, labour, commercial, contractual, competition law and criminal law, as well as law of the former GDR

1993 – 2000 Jurisprudential lecturer for further education for a physician assistant in the subject law, while I was a managing director and general counsel of the district physician chamber of Palatinate, Neustadt/Weinstraße.

1995 - 2000 Visiting lecturer of the subjects-specific University of Ludwigshafen/Rhine – Business University of Applied Sciences specializing in law (1999 – 2000) (Civil law/introduction in private law) as well as a visiting lecturer of the Protestant subjects-specific University of Ludwigshafen/Rhine – University of Applied Sciences for the social and healthcare sector, specializing in law (professional law, labour und social law); Member of the committees: Convention, council and faculty council.

1991 – 1993 Jurisprudential lecturer at the vocational school of physiotherapy Bad Neustadt/Saale (legal aspects) during the time I was working as a legal advisor of the RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG as well as an assistant to the Board of Directors for staff and hospital, Bad Neustadt/Saale.

1988 - 1990 Conferral of the doctorate of jurisprudence (DOCTOR IURIS); Johannes Kepler University, University of Linz (Commercial law and securities law, intellectual property law, labour and social law, European Community law, including the law of supranational organizations); Subject of the dissertation: The participation of employees in the supervisory board according to Austrian and German law and in the proposals for a regulation (EEC) and a directive of the Council on the statute of European incorporated companies ( Mark: very good).

1985 - 1988 articled clerk in the Notary Ochsenfurt, Notary Franz Brand (estate property transactions including real estate law and real right, corporation law and law of succession).

1979 – 1988 Studies of jurisprudence (DOCTOR IURIS) and of economics, Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen - Nuremberg and Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, practical legal preparatory service of the Free State of Bavaria, 1st and 2nd State law examination in Würzburg and Munich, (optional subject: labour and social law).

1978 Conferral of the general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) at the Siebold Grammar School of Würzburg.









„Ne discere cessa!

Disticha Catonis 3,1.